Life According to My Camera Roll

Remember the days of disposable cameras? When you actually had to wait to see what your pictures even looked like? And you actually got pictures developed? The anticipation. The joy of a great shot.

Those were fun days.

Today, we are still having fun – but on a whole new level. Cameras are on our phones and our phones are, well, most likely in our hands (or just an arm’s length away). We capture everything: sunsets, sunrises, our pets being cute, our meals looking delish, something weird, something beautiful, catastrophes. We even capture ourselves: #selfie #selfienation #selfiesaturday #justincaseyouforgotwhatilookedlike.

I don’t remember ever taking a selfie with my disposable. “Excuse me, sir? Can you take a picture of us?”

No, today we can document it all – as much or as little as we like. For me, I can often look back in my camera roll to remind myself where I was two weeks ago or to get an idea for a blog post (like I am now). In that regard, a person’s camera roll can say a lot about him or her. For this post, and to give you a peek into my everyday, I’ve included all the pictures in my camera roll from the past week. (Don’t worry, I picked a slow week.) I broke them up by day and added small captions because, like life, they’re pretty random.


Berry Cereal and Coffee

Clearly, I enjoyed my breakfast. (This picture made it to Twitter.)

Beer Taps

Made it to work…no real point to this picture except Beer! In truth, I had just upgraded to the 5S and was checking out the new camera.

Bill at the Bar

Plus, I wanted an excuse to shoot this guy. (Don’t know Bill? Read about him here.)



At lunch before work…because I love windowsills and because you gotta have faith.


Snapshot taken while checking Instagram at lunch. I mean, I liked the message, but I only took the snapshot because I couldn’t believe that both her first and last names were misspelled (Eleanor Roosevelt). Sorry, teacher habits never die.

Notes by Natalie

Before heading to work…the selfie that never made it anywhere (until now). Taken because I think I liked my makeup that day.


George Washington Bridge

Waiting to merge onto the George Washington Bridge. (This picture made it to Instagram.) Sunday was a gorgeous day in New York, and I got to spend it at brunch with my friends. And yes, this is the only picture I took. I guess that’s what happens when you’re having fun and sipping mimosas.



I’m a big fan of the snapshot feature on the iPhone. This was another taken from Instagram because it made me chuckle. You like?

Deer in the Snow

And this is my neighborhood…just a couple of deer in my neighbor’s yard as I drove home.

The Bachelor

Monday means The Bachelor. (Well, up until this past Monday it did.) And, The Bachelor means perusing Twitter for live tweeters and entertaining commentary. I took this snapshot from ABC’s Twitter feed and texted it to my friend. Her and I always text during the show, and we pretty much declared this the line of the night. Ay yai yai, Juan Pablo.


Stella and Dot

Tuesday was a slow day for the ol’ camera roll. But if it means I remember to purchase this Stella & Dot clutch, I’m cool with it.



Whoa! Wednesday! Hotel?


No, I am not on vacation.


No, a man did not whisk me away for the night.


Just, no.


The real story: I did not have access to one of these at my house. We are renovating, and the new wood floors received their lacquer this week. Translation: no walking upstairs and no showers. What’s a girl to do? Well, this girl checked herself in at a local hotel and had a nice little retreat. Bonus, I knew the guy at the front desk and scored myself a discount and an upgrade. (Thank you!!) It was meant to be.

Corned Beef and Cabbage

All showered up, I headed to work and got to spend Wednesday night with my favorite fella. He was super excited that it’s finally Corned Beef and Cabbage week. I was super excited to steal a few of those fries.

I love wine

After work, my hotel retreat continued. I picked up some wine and enjoyed it in that cozy living room you saw earlier. (Oh, and I took this picture and posted it to Instagram. “I love wine. I love cake. Perfect.”) By the way, I really did enjoy this bottle of Primitivo by Layer Cake Wines, just in case you’re looking for a new wine to try.

So, that was my week according to my camera roll. Currently, I’m sitting in Starbucks finishing up this post. No picture needed. I’m sure you can envision me at a table, typing away on my Mac, wearing Uggs, and sipping on a grande latte.

What would your week look like?


Take Note of What I Wrote?

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11 thoughts

  1. Now I would forget to take a picture of that kind view across a bridge.I would just be amazed.
    Love to see a week like that, it is fun.

    Never took many pictures LOL on those disposables. Who got disposed before the 5 pictures were ever to be seen again. I suck at pictures .
    Keep on smiling


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